
Upcoming Events For The Clarkson Open Source Institute Meetings

⬅️ Wed. January 15, 2025 at 7pm ➡️

Talk Presenter Type Description
1155 Cary forum topic


1156 Cary forum topic

Monitors over by stego

1157 Cary forum topic

stuff that used to be in the server room

1158 Cary forum topic

is the person that was going to take the small server rack still planning to take the small server rack? and if not, where does one dispose of a small server rack?`

1159 Cary forum topic

ant farm

1160 Juno forum topic

Start of semester housekeeping

1161 Jeanna forum topic

Electronic give away

1162 Juno forum topic

Electronics give away 2

1163 Weaver forum topic


1166 Juno lightning talk

breaking overclocking a pi

1167 Amity lightning talk

The Woes of the Craft: Other People Setting One’s Objectives (Playing the Game)

1154 Cary announcement

Mirror (but this time I have time)

1164 Jeanna announcement

Reminder of MP*

1165 Jeanna announcement