
Upcoming Events For The Clarkson Open Source Institute Meetings

⬅️ Wed. January 29, 2025 at 7pm ➡️

Talk Presenter Type Description
1208 Juno forum topic


1210 Kyle forum topic

3D printer update & related requests

1212 Juno forum topic

Reorg purchases addendum

1213 Juno forum topic

GPU compute PC - 1070?

1214 Juno forum topic

We want YOUR ssh pubkeys on OUR maintainer directory!

1215 Cary forum topic

(and I want your private keys on my laptop)

1218 Amity/Amy forum topic

COSI looks really full today

1198 Jeanna lightning talk

Career Advice Episode 3

1201 Zachary lightning talk


1202 Juno lightning talk

gparted LIVE

1220 Amity/Amy lightning talk

I’m actually losing it with this LinkedIn stuff (profile picture)

1221 MetricMassSuffix lightning talk

FOSS Calendar App

1200 (/'G w G)/' ✧˖°. project update

COSI REORG: Progress Purchases Ewaste Unclaimed Items

1205 Juno project update

Double troubleparity

1207 Juno project update


1204 Juno announcement

Build a PC Workshop

1206 Juno announcement

Get Started with Linux Workshop

1209 Juno announcement

Taltres <-> Kasper swap THIS WEEKEND

1211 Anthony announcement

CACI at the Career Fair

1216 Jeanna announcement

Job in Malone

1217 Cary announcement


1219 Maxwell announcement

Cybersecurity club

1222 Juno announcement

CS460 Cluster